ProCurve(config)#telnet server enable (方法1)
ProCurve(config)#telnet-server (方法2)
ProCurve(config)#password manager user-name admin plaintext admin
ProCurve(config)#write memory
Access-2# configure
Access-2(config)# password operator //用户模式密码
New password for operator: hpe
Re-enter the new password for operator: hpe
you are allowed to move to enable mode because you have not set a manager password.
Set a manager password now. The password is “hpe” (case-sensitive).
Access-2# config
Access-2(config)# password manager //enable密码
New password for manager: hpe
Re-enter the
new password for manager: hpe
Log in as the operator.
<-output omitted->
Username: operator
Password: hpe
Try to move to enable mode.
Access-2> enable
As you see, you are prompted for credentials because manager access is restricted by a
password. Enter manager for the username and password.
Username: manager
Password: hpe
From enable mode, you now have complete access to the switch CLI
Enable SSH
Access-2 (console session)
Return to the terminal session with Access-2. Move to global configuration mode.
Create a key for SSH.
Access-2(config)# crypto key generate ssh rsa bits 2048
Installing a new key pair. If the key/entropy cache is
depleted, this could take up to a minute.
The installation of a new key pair is successfully completed.
SSH is enabled by default when the switch has an SSH key. However, if your switch did not have
a key, SSH would have been disabled on it. Enter this command to make sure that SSH is
Access-2(config)# ip ssh
Change the manager credentials to the ones shown in the table. Remember that passwords are
case-sensitive! (You will see ** rather than the password letters.)
Access-2(config)# password manager user-name admin
New password for manager: hpe
Please retype new password for manager: hpe
转载请保留出处: www.zh-cjh.com珠海陈坚浩博客 » aruba交换机启用telnet与ssh
作者: cjh
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