inspur#show int gigaethernet 1/1/1
gigaethernet1/1/1 is UP, administrative status is UP
Hardware is gigaethernet, MAC address is 9800.7494.6A36
Switch Port, JUMBOFRAME 12288 bytes
MAU Type is 1000BASE-T, duplex auto(full), speed auto(1000M)
Block Vlan: none
Flow-control Rcv/Snd:off/off
MDI Admin auto, Oper normal
EEE is disabled
TPID is 8100
Up-start: 2002-04-28,12:57:53.633
Up-sustained : 00y03m13d23h07m33s306ms
last 300 sec input rate 4202991 bits/sec,740 packets/sec
last 300 sec output rate 1624681 bits/sec,391 packets/sec
input(swc):12005412402 bytes,38613449 unicast,6487992 multicast,83292798 broadcast,0 drop,0 errors
input(hwc):23399386073460 bytes,19622970432 unicast,269005722 multicast,193834874 broadcast,0 pause
0 drop,2 crcerr,0 undersize,0 oversize,0 fragments,0 jabbers,0 collisions
output(swc):1376048081 bytes,2447767 unicast,2543082 multicast,0 broadcast,0 drop,0 errors
output(hwc):3894211495021 bytes,15577753557 unicast,188176433 multicast,182983633 broadcast,0 pause
0 error,650 discard,0 abort,0 deferred,0 collisions,0 nocarrier,0 macerr
<huawei>display int GigabitEthernet 0/0/1
GigabitEthernet0/0/1 current state : DOWN
Line protocol current state : DOWN
Switch Port, PVID : 25, TPID : 8100(Hex), The Maximum Frame Length is 9216
IP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address is 688f-8402-cb1b
Current system time: 2023-04-18 15:20:21-05:13
Speed : 1000, Loopback: NONE
Duplex: FULL, Negotiation: ENABLE
Mdi : AUTO, Flow-control: DISABLE
Last 300 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Input peak rate 0 bits/sec, Record time: -
Output peak rate 0 bits/sec, Record time: -
Input: 0 packets, 0 bytes
Unicast: 0, Multicast: 0
Broadcast: 0, Jumbo: 0
Discard: 0, Pause: 0
Total Error: 0
CRC: 0, Giants: 0
Jabbers: 0, Fragments: 0
Runts: 0, DropEvents: 0
Alignments: 0, Symbols: 0
Ignoreds: 0, Frames: 0
Output: 0 packets, 0 bytes
Unicast: 0, Multicast: 0
Broadcast: 0, Jumbo: 0
Discard: 0, Pause: 0
Total Error: 0
Collisions: 0, ExcessiveCollisions: 0
Late Collisions: 0, Deferreds: 0
Buffers Purged: 0
Input bandwidth utilization threshold : 90.00%
Output bandwidth utilization threshold: 90.00%
Input bandwidth utilization : 0%
Output bandwidth utilization : 0%
华三交换机:H3C S5530F-EI-D
<H3C>display int GigabitEthernet 1/0/1
Current state: UP
Line protocol state: UP
IP packet frame type: Ethernet II, hardware address: d461-fea9-6da1
Description: To-ZhuhaiFw-9
Bandwidth: 1000000 kbps
Loopback is not set
Media type is optical fiber, Port hardware type is 1000_BASE_SX_SFP
1000Mbps-speed mode, full-duplex mode
Link speed type is force link, link duplex type is force link
Flow-control is not enabled
Maximum frame length: 10000
Allow jumbo frames to pass
Broadcast max-ratio: 100%
Multicast max-ratio: 100%
Unicast max-ratio: 100%
MDI type: automdix
Port link-type: Trunk
VLAN Passing: 270, 508
VLAN permitted: 270, 508
Trunk port encapsulation: IEEE 802.1q
Port priority: 0
Last link flapping: 3 weeks 3 days 2 hours 16 minutes
Last clearing of counters: Never
Peak input rate: 36789729 bytes/sec, at 2014-03-04 22:04:18
Peak output rate: 70283328 bytes/sec, at 2013-09-10 04:24:46
Last 300 second input: 1972 packets/sec 997563 bytes/sec 0%
Last 300 second output: 2960 packets/sec 2368042 bytes/sec 1%
Input (total): 44641152047 packets, 28958231306749 bytes
44633296056 unicasts, 67482 broadcasts, 7788483 multicasts, 0 pauses
Input (normal): 44641152021 packets, - bytes
44633296056 unicasts, 67482 broadcasts, 7788483 multicasts, 0 pauses
Input: 25 input errors, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
25 CRC, 0 frame, - overruns, 0 aborts
- ignored, - parity errors
Output (total): 73593105312 packets, 88201048108173 bytes
73573323663 unicasts, 895 broadcasts, 19780754 multicasts, 0 pauses
Output (normal): 73593105312 packets, - bytes
73573323663 unicasts, 895 broadcasts, 19780754 multicasts, 0 pauses
Output: 0 output errors, - underruns, - buffer failures
0 aborts, 0 deferred, 0 collisions, 0 late collisions
0 lost carrier, - no carrier
转载请保留出处: www.zh-cjh.com珠海陈坚浩博客 » (各品牌的交换机)缺省情况下,设备允许通过的最大长度字节的帧
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