3.1 华为UPS: 在SUSE、Centos、Debian、Redhat 或Ubuntu 操作系统上调试NetShutdown参考步骤

3.1 华为UPS: 在SUSE、Centos、Debian、Redhat 或Ubuntu 操作系统上调试NetShutdown参考步骤

第一步:设置NetShutdown UPS 的通讯参数 netshutdown config

[root@C2 netshutdown]# netshutdown config

2022-01-03 14:19:38,440 main WARN Attempt to rename file log/log.log to itself will be ignored


# Guide: ->

Enter choice:

1) Communication Settings

2) NetEco 1000U Settings

3) Shutdown Policy

4) Show UPS Status

5) Show Log

Q) Login Out

> 1


# Guide: ->Communication Settings->Step 1

please enter the UPS IP address(eg: ,Q for Quit):

>  #配置UPSip地址



# Guide: ->Communication Settings->Step 2

Enter a protocol version. (1: SNMPv1/v2; 2: SNMPv3; Q: exit.):



# Guide: ->Communication Settings->Step 3

Please enter the community readname (Q for Quit)

>Read2022   #此参数对应上UPS主机上配置的参数



# Guide: ->Communication Settings->Step 4

Please enter the community writename (Q for Quit).

>Write2022   #查看



No.  Type      Serial  Version           ESN                      Address            

1    UPS2000A  1       V2R1C1SPC50       2102290504HGLA00XXXX         

Total: 1



# Guide: ->Communication Settings->Step 5

Enter a UPS number, for example, 1 or 1,2, as listed above to monitor the selected UPS. (Press Q to exit.):


No.  Type      Serial  Version           ESN                      Address            

1    UPS2000A  1       V2R1C1SPC50       2102290504HGLA00XXXX         

Total: 1



# Guide: ->Communication Settings->Step 5

Enter a UPS number, for example, 1 or 1,2, as listed above to monitor the selected UPS. (Press Q to exit.):

>1    #注意这一步一定要做,否则UPS添加不成功

Devices access the shutdown software successfully. Address =, ESN.= 2102290504HGLA00XXXX华为UPS: 在SUSE、Centos、Debian、Redhat 或Ubuntu 操作系统上调试NetShutdown参考步骤(图1)


# Guide: ->

Enter choice:

1) Communication Settings

2) NetEco 1000U Settings

3) Shutdown Policy

4) Show UPS Status

5) Show Log

Q) Login Out

> 4   #查看UPS的状态

--------------------------UPS INFO------------------------------

No.  Device Type    Software Version    IP Address,Serial No.    ESN                      UPS Status     Power Mode         

Battery Backup Time

1    UPS2000A       V2R1C1SPC50,1             2102290504HGLA00XXXX     Normal         Normal mode        

31 Min 51 Sec      


# Guide: ->

Enter choice:

1)   Refresh UPS INFO

2)   Delete UPS    

q)   Main Menu


[root@C2 netshutdown]# netshutdown config


# Guide: ->

Enter choice:

1) Communication Settings

2) NetEco 1000U Settings

3) Shutdown Policy

4) Show UPS Status

5) Show Log

Q) Login Out

> 3

# Guide: ->Shutdown Policy

Enter choice:

# Shutdown Event

1) Battery Mode                                 OFF    

2) Low Battery Voltage                          OFF    

3) Output Overload                              OFF    

4) Battery Backup Time Less than 2 Minutes      OFF 

# Local Settings

5) Enable/Disable Scripts Plan     Disable

6) Enable/Disable Shutdown Plan    Disable

7) Script Delay                    60 sec 

8) Shutdown Settings               90 sec(Local host)

9) Script File                             

Q) Back to previous menu

> 4----------------------------------------------------------------

# Guide: ->Shutdown Policy->Shutdown Event

Enter choice:

1) Battery backup time mode monitoring switch     OFF    

2) Minimum battery backup time setting            2 Minutes

Q) Back to previous menu

> 2


# Guide: ->Shutdown Event->Minimum Battery Backup Time Settings

Enter the minimum battery backup time (Q for Quit).

>30 #这时设置的是电池后备时间于小30分钟后,服务器自动关机


# Guide: ->Shutdown Policy->Shutdown Event

Enter choice:

1) Battery backup time mode monitoring switch     OFF    

2) Minimum battery backup time setting            30 Minutes

Q) Back to previous menu

> Q


# Guide: ->Shutdown Policy

Enter choice:

# Shutdown Event

1) Battery Mode                                 OFF    

2) Low Battery Voltage                          OFF    

3) Output Overload                              OFF    

4) Battery Backup Time Less than 30 Minutes     OFF 

# Local Settings

5) Enable/Disable Scripts Plan     Disable

6) Enable/Disable Shutdown Plan    Disable

7) Script Delay                    60 sec 

8) Shutdown Settings               90 sec(Local host)

9) Script File                            

Q) Back to previous menu

> 8

# Guide: ->Shutdown Policy

Enter choice:

1) Shutdown Delay                  90 sec 

2) Shutdown Host                   Local host

Q) Back to previous menu

> 1

# Guide: ->Shutdown Settings->Shutdown Delay

Please input time for shutdown delaying (Q for Quit).

>61   #服务器的延迟关机时间,小于60秒会输入不进去,windows客户端没问题

# Guide: ->Shutdown Policy

Enter choice:

1) Shutdown Delay                  61 sec 

2) Shutdown Host                   Local host

Q) Back to previous menu


Choice must be one of: 1,2,Q

> 2  #windows客户端一样,支持Vmware

Shutdown host(1-Local host,2-Vmware host,Q for Back to previous menu,Other invalid):



(1) Battery Backup Time Less than xx Minutes 需要显示成ON,即开启状态


Select one or multiple shutdown events to monitor.


# Guide: ->Shutdown Policy

Enter choice:

# Shutdown Event

1) Battery Mode                                 OFF    

2) Low Battery Voltage                          OFF    

3) Output Overload                              OFF    

4) Battery Backup Time Less than 31 Minutes     OFF 

# Local Settings

5) Enable/Disable Scripts Plan     Disable

6) Enable/Disable Shutdown Plan    Disable

7) Script Delay                    60 sec 

8) Shutdown Settings               61 sec(Local host)

9) Script File                            

Q) Back to previous menu

> 4



# Guide: ->Shutdown Policy->Shutdown Event

Enter choice:

1) Battery backup time mode monitoring switch     OFF    

2) Minimum battery backup time setting            31 Minutes

Q) Back to previous menu

> 1   #输入一次1回车,切换状态



# Guide: ->Shutdown Policy->Shutdown Event

Enter choice:

1) Battery backup time mode monitoring switch     ON     

2) Minimum battery backup time setting            31 Minutes

Q) Back to previous menu

> q



# Guide: ->Shutdown Policy

Enter choice:

# Shutdown Event

1) Battery Mode                                 OFF    

2) Low Battery Voltage                          OFF    

3) Output Overload                              OFF    

4) Battery Backup Time Less than 31 Minutes     ON   

# Local Settings

5) Enable/Disable Scripts Plan     Disable

6) Enable/Disable Shutdown Plan    Disable

7) Script Delay                    60 sec 

8) Shutdown Settings               61 sec(Local host)

9) Script File                            

Q) Back to previous menu



(2) 启动shutdown计划:enable




# Guide: ->Shutdown Policy

Enter choice:

# Shutdown Event

1) Battery Mode                                 OFF    

2) Low Battery Voltage                          OFF    

3) Output Overload                              OFF    

4) Battery Backup Time Less than 27 Minutes     ON  

# Local Settings

5) Enable/Disable Scripts Plan     Disable

6) Enable/Disable Shutdown Plan    Disable

7) Script Delay                    60 sec 

8) Shutdown Settings               61 sec(Local host)

9) Script File                             

Q) Back to previous menu

> 6   #输入一次6回车,切换状态




转载请保留出处:  www.zh-cjh.com珠海陈坚浩博客 » 3.1 华为UPS: 在SUSE、Centos、Debian、Redhat 或Ubuntu 操作系统上调试NetShutdown参考步骤

作者: cjh



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